William Macaulay Counselling
Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Perth, WA
William Macaulay Counselling
Phone 0401 316 977
for enquiries or appointments

William Macaulay Counselling Perth
Psychotherapy * Counselling * Cognitive Behavioural Therapy * Psychology * Therapy
Anger Management Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Perth WA
William Macaulay Counselling Perth
Phone 0401 316 977
for enquiries or appointments
Anger Management Perth

Is your anger causing distress to yourself or those around you? Do you find it challenging to control your anger? Conveniently situated in Wembley, north of Perth, and Como, south of Perth, I specialise in providing anger management counselling and psychotherapy services for individuals struggling with managing their anger. While counselling won't eliminate the sources of your anger, it can help you reduce and control your emotional reactions effectively. If you're seeking support in managing your anger, I encourage you to get in touch and schedule an appointment.
Understanding Anger​​
Anger often arises from frustration triggered by the perceived disrespectful, demeaning, threatening, or neglectful actions of others. It can also be a response to things not going as planned, perceived injustice, excessive worry about personal problems, or feeling hurt.
Anger, when expressed and managed healthily, is a natural and typically healthy human emotion. However, uncontrolled and destructive expressions of anger can significantly damage personal and professional relationships, physical health, and emotional well-being. Unmanaged anger may also lead to substance abuse, violent and aggressive behaviour, and potential legal consequences.
What does healthy anger look like?
I offer anger management counselling aimed at teaching healthy and assertive ways of expressing anger, which includes:
Clearly communicating your needs
Understanding that being assertive doesn't mean being pushy or demanding
Respecting yourself and others
Expressing yourself in a non-aggressive manner
Experiencing anger that is mild, infrequent, and subsides quickly
Having the ability to calm yourself down
​​​​When is anger considered destructive?​
Anger becomes a problem when it leads to actions or words that harm your long-term well-being. Signs of unmanaged or uncontrolled problematic anger include:
Rapid intensification of anger within seconds
Involvement of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse when angry
Feeling angry most of the time
Receiving comments from others about your anger
Difficulties in personal and work relationships due to anger
Relying solely on anger to get your needs met
Anger that doesn't subside quickly
Desiring to dominate or control others
Holding grudges and planning revenge
Feeling anxious or depressed about your anger
Using alcohol or drugs to cope with anger
Suppressing your anger
Managing Anger
Unmanaged anger may seem like a short-term solution to get others to comply with your requests, but it often leads to long-term problems for yourself and those around you. Reacting with anger to solve problems may often result in the anger itself becoming the problem. The individual with whom you are angry may feel attacked rather than addressing what has initially upset you. Throughout life, you will experience frustration, pain, loss, and unpredictable actions of others. While you can't change these events, you can change how you respond and allow them to affect you.
​​Effective Anger Management Strategies
Anger management involves being aware of triggers and early warning signs of anger and developing skills to manage your reactions before they escalate out of control.
Common early warning signs:
Muscular tension
Flushing or feeling heat in the face
Increased heart rate, breathing, or sweating
Sudden bursts of energy
Helpful techniques to manage your reactions:
Step away from the situation to give yourself time and space to think clearly and calm down.
Practice controlled breathing by slowing and deepening your breath, focusing on allowing your body's muscles to relax voluntarily.
Use positive self-talk, saying things like "relax" or "I'm not going to let this get to me."
Recognise that the situation is an unpleasant event, not a life-threatening catastrophe.
Relaxation Skills:
Relaxation techniques can help release muscle tension that contributes to excessive anger. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and mindfulness exercises can be beneficial.
​​​Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Anger Management​​​​​ ​​​
While the above mentioned strategies can help calm anger in the moment, they may not address the root causes of excessive anger. That's where cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) comes in. CBT is a highly effective psychological treatment that centres on understanding how your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes shape your emotions and behaviour. Through CBT, individuals collaborate with a trained psychologist, psychotherapist, or counsellor, such as myself, to identify unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviours. Together, we develop healthier and more effective coping skills for dealing with various problems and managing anger.​ Learn more about cognitive behavioural therapy.
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