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William Macaulay Counselling Perth

Author: William Macaulay, Anxiety Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Phone 0401 316 977

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Understanding Health Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Steps to Overcome It

A Female Doctor

Health anxiety, also known as illness anxiety disorder or hypochondria, is a condition characterised by excessive worry about one's health. Those struggling with health anxiety often find themselves constantly fearing that they have or will develop a severe illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support these fears. This overwhelming worry can significantly impact daily life, relationships, and overall well-being.

What is Health Anxiety?


Health anxiety involves a preoccupation with the belief that you have or will develop a severe illness, often despite reassurance from medical professionals. While it's natural to be concerned about your health, especially when experiencing symptoms, health anxiety amplifies these fears to an irrational level. This condition can lead to frequent doctor visits, excessive research on symptoms, and constant checking of the body for signs of illness.


Unlike general health concerns, health anxiety persists even after receiving a clean bill of health, and reassurance from doctors often provides only temporary relief before the cycle of worry starts again.

Symptoms of Health Anxiety


Health anxiety can manifest in various ways, impacting both the mind and body. Common symptoms include:


Excessive Worry About Health: Persistent fears of having a serious illness, even when there is little or no medical evidence to support these concerns.


Frequent Body Checking: Constantly monitoring your body for signs of illness, such as checking your heart rate, inspecting moles, or examining skin changes.


Reassurance Seeking: Regularly seeking reassurance from doctors, family, or friends about your health, often without feeling reassured.


Avoidance Behaviour: Avoiding situations, people, or places that trigger health-related fears, such as hospitals, medical TV shows, or even reading about diseases.


Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: Experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, or palpitations that are often mistaken for serious illnesses.


Excessive Research: Spending significant amounts of time researching symptoms and illnesses online, often leading to heightened anxiety (also known as "cyberchondria").


Impact on Daily Life: Difficulty focusing on work, school, or social activities due to preoccupation with health concerns.

Causes of Health Anxiety


Health anxiety can develop from various factors, often involving a combination of psychological, emotional, and situational influences:


Past Health Scares: A previous experience of illness, either personal or within the family, can leave a lasting impact and increase sensitivity to health concerns.


Family History: Growing up in an environment where health was a significant concern or frequently discussed can contribute to developing health anxiety.


Personality Traits: Individuals with a tendency toward perfectionism, high sensitivity, or a need for control may be more prone to health anxiety.


Exposure to Illness Information: Constant exposure to health-related news, articles, or medical shows can increase anxiety and create an exaggerated perception of risk.


Stress and Life Changes: Significant life changes, such as the death of a loved one, relationship issues, or job loss, can trigger or worsen health anxiety as a coping mechanism.


Cognitive Distortions: Unhelpful thinking patterns, such as catastrophising (imagining the worst-case scenario) or overestimating the likelihood of illness, can fuel anxiety.

How to Manage and Overcome Health Anxiety


Overcoming health anxiety involves addressing the thought patterns and behaviours that keep the anxiety cycle going. Here are some effective strategies to help manage and reduce health anxiety:


Seek Professional Help:

Working with a qualified therapist, especially one trained in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), can help you identify and challenge irrational thoughts about health. CBT is one of the most effective treatments for health anxiety, as it teaches you to reframe anxious thoughts and develop healthier responses to them.


Limit Reassurance-Seeking:

While it's natural to seek reassurance when feeling anxious, try to reduce how often you ask others for comfort about your health concerns. Over time, this can help break the cycle of dependency and build your confidence in managing anxiety on your own.


Set Boundaries with Health Information:

Limit the time you spend researching symptoms or reading about illnesses online. Consider setting specific times to check credible health information, if necessary, and avoid "Dr. Google" as much as possible.


Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help ground you in the present moment and reduce overall anxiety. Learning to observe your thoughts without reacting to them can also lessen the impact of health fears.


Challenge Negative Thoughts:

When you notice anxious thoughts creeping in, challenge them by asking yourself questions like, "What evidence do I have that supports this fear?" or "Am I jumping to conclusions?" Replacing irrational thoughts with balanced, realistic ones can reduce anxiety.


Focus on What You Can Control:

Shift your focus to healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep hygiene. Taking proactive steps to care for your body can help you feel more in control and reduce the focus on health anxieties.


Develop a Support System:

Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your struggles and can offer encouragement without enabling reassurance-seeking behaviours.


Gradual Exposure:

If you avoid certain situations or triggers related to your health fears, gradual exposure therapy can help you face these anxieties in a controlled manner, reducing their power over time.

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Health Anxiety Counselling Perth: Seeking Professional Help


Health anxiety is a distressing condition that can impact many areas of your life, but with the proper support and help, it is manageable. If you are struggling with persistent health-related fears, seeking professional help is an important first step. As a qualified and experienced anxiety therapist, I provide guidance, understanding, and effective tools to help you overcome health anxiety and regain control of your life.


Contact William Macaulay Counselling Perth today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.

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